Address grievances and report potential misconduct

It is important for Finnish Minerals Group to obtain information about any misconduct related to the company’s operations. We encourage both our own employees and those at our partner companies to address concerns by discussing them with, for example, their contact person, manager or our finance department. If a conversation like this doesn’t feel appropriate, you can raise your concerns through our whistleblowing channel. Before you make the report, we recommend that you read the description of our whistleblowing process below the reporting link.

Read first the privacy statement for our whistleblowing channel

By clicking here you can make a report 

Who is the whistleblowing channel for?

The whistleblowing channel is for both our own employees and those at our partner companies. You can use this channel to report any suspected grievances related to either Finnish Minerals Group’s own operations or those of its wholly owned subsidiaries, which may include financial misconduct, bribery, occupational safety, environmental protection or information system security.

To other stakeholders we recommend using the form on our website, which you can find under Contact/Contact form at

How do I report a grievance via the whistleblowing channel?

Scroll down to the 'Whistleblowing' link, which you will find at the bottom of the page on our website. Answer the questions in the form and send the message. You will receive automatic confirmation of delivery and a digital access token. Please save this access token, as it will later enable you to return to your message using the whistleblowing link’s “Open incident” command. Your report will be submitted anonymously by default. You can provide your name if you wish. If necessary, the person who handles your report may also get back to you and ask if you would like to provide your name.

What happens when I make a report?

Your report will be sent via the whistleblowing channel to the independent service provider used by Finnish Minerals Group. This service provider will read the content of your report and, if necessary, may ask you to provide additional information using a tracking code. The service provider will also ask Finnish Minerals Group to look into the matter. You will be notified once the investigation is complete.

When can I expect a response to my message?

The response time will depend on how much time and effort it will take to deal with the matter. Unless it is a particularly complex issue, our aim is to investigate the concerns you have raised and inform you of the outcome within three months. If necessary, we may request the advice of an outside expert to assist with the investigation. You will, in any case, be informed of the progress of the investigation within three months.

Will my name and report be made public if I send them via the whistleblowing channel?

Both the content of your report and any personal information you provide will remain confidential but may be shared with the authorities if your report results in a request for investigation or similar official action. If you make your report anonymously, it will be processed anonymously, and you will be contacted using a tracking code.

How are concerns dealt with at different organisational levels and by independent parties?

There are not many levels in Finnish Minerals Group’s organisational structure. A lawyer and someone from the management will always be involved in the investigation of whistleblowing cases. At least twice a year, we will also inform our Board of Directors’ Corporate Responsibility Committee about any issues that have emerged. Based on the assessment made by the appointed lawyer or the Committee, your whistleblowing case may also be submitted to the company’s Board of Directors for consideration. Decisions on any new policies concerning the company’s activities will be made as part of our operational decision-making or by the Board of Directors. If there is reason to suspect an offence in the matter you raise, it will be transferred to the police for investigation.

Do you report grievances in your annual report?

The topics and total number of all whistleblowing concerns raised with the company are compiled in our annual report. The actual disclosures and the names of whistleblowers will not be published.

Can I trust that neither the company nor its employees will cause difficulties for me or the organisation I represent for blowing the whistle?

If whistleblowers act in good faith, Finnish Minerals Group will protect them in accordance with the Whistleblower Act. The Whistleblower Act does not provide protection for a person who reports rumours or clearly inaccurate information.

How has information security been handled?

Our service provider has implemented the whistleblowing channel on the Finnish EasyWhistle software platform, which enables anonymous communication with the whistleblower. EasyWhistle complies with the EU Whistleblower Directive. Data will not be transferred outside of the EEA.